These cards I would like to enter in one challenge each. The first card in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge #155. The second card in the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge and the theme is anything goes. And my final card in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge the theme for that challenge is Kraft. Hope that you liked my work and would be so kind as to leave me feedback please.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Making christmas cards without christmas stamps
When it comes to Christmas stamps I have not been able to talk myself into buying very many yet, because after all Christmas only comes once a year. Since I have dived into card making as full on hobby I have changed how I feel about that. This hobby is some thing I am have become very passionate and excited about. Which is very hard when you don't have any friends around you who share your passion for card making or even your hobby. This year I wanted to get involved with the Caring Hearts card drive, and realized I only have three stamps that could be called Christmas and not one of them says Merry Christmas. Being a stay at home mother means that I make lots of sacrifices for my family and I don't very often get the things I want because my family comes first. So, I do plan to get more Christmas stamps in the future but for now I consider it a challenge to think outside the box and really put my creativity into play.
All these threes cards are wonderful! Love the delightful colors. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)